Aug 26, 2024

Unlocking the Truth: Busting the Biggest Myths About Turf Grass

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Missed or incomplete information is the major reason people are always reluctant to open their way to artificial grass. Those misconceptions are misleading. From the cost perspective to the appearance of TK turf, people are always confused about whether they should get artificial grass or not. This article is about the biggest myths bursting about turf grass. Let’s dive into the facts and get ready to elevate your home with artificial turf.

Debunking the Turf Grass Myths

Each era comes up with up-to-date technologies. The impact is not limited to the gadgets we own but it also impacts the simplest things in our lives like turf. Many myths we hear about this artificial beauty are about the things that are long gone. Let’s explore and debunk the Turf grass myths in 2024 scenarios.

  1. Myth# 1: Artificial Grass is a Bank Breaker

If we talk about the installation cost of artificial turf, yes, it is not a budget-friendly option for everyone. However, in such things, we are more considerate about the long-term perspectives. The maintenance cost of the natural grass including the fertilizer and water expenses for a year is more than the installation of artificial turf which can be maintained with minimum resources. Hence, artificial turf saves you a lot in the long run by spending a little more upfront. 

  1. Myth# 2: Zero Maintenance Artificial Grass

Many sellers of artificial turf claim that their turf needs zero maintenance. Well! Somehow a few minutes spent on the maintenance of artificial grass are nothing but hours of mowing and fertilizing. However, the maintenance is not zero if you want to maintain it for years. Artificial grass does need the occasional cleaning with water to remove dirt, replenish the infills, or a little fluffing of the grass with a power brush to maintain its appearance. 

  1. Myth# 3: Artificial Grass is Recyclable

Many sellers will begin their promotion bragging about the quality of their turf that makes it recyclable. Well! It is not true. The material of the high-quality turf is less damaging than the traditional artificial grass but is non-recyclable. However, the negative impact is still there when tons of those plastic carpets are added to the landfills. Regular maintenance of the turf can add to its durability casting an overall less impact on our natural resources and environment. 

  1. Myth# 4: Artificial Grass Looks Fake

The fakeness of the artificial turf can be attributed to the old times when low-quality plastics were used in their making. However, the grass that we see nowadays is usually made from high-quality polymers. Moreover, it mimics the color, blade size, and density of the natural grass. Thus, it becomes impossible to differentiate artificial grass Tampa from natural grass due to its realistic appearance.  

  1. Myth# 5: Artificial Grass Gets Too Hot

This myth can also be attributed to the old days when low-quality turf was common. Anyway, the material used nowadays is more focused on reflecting light and heat than absorbing it. Still, it absorbs some heat but not to the extent that the grass becomes unbearable to walk on. To be clear, the natural grass also absorbs heat. In the scorching heat, both types are unbearable to walk. So, this is not an exclusive issue with artificial turf. 

  1. Myth# 6: Artificial Grass Contains Toxins

Another thing that we commonly hear about artificial grass is that turf is infused with toxic heavy metals like lead. Although it was true in the 1960s, it is no longer applicable. In those times, the low-quality materials used in the manufacturing of artificial grass were never tested. However, after the facts came to light and the concept of quality control and assurance evolved, manufacturers switched to high-quality plastics that are free of toxins to ensure people’s safety. 

  1. Myth# 7: Artificial Grass Drains Poorly

We daily come across several clients complaining about the poor draining of the artificial turf. Looking into the details, most of them were DIY installers. They forgot about the drainage holes before laying the carpet on artificial turf. Where the high-quality turf dries quickly by draining at the rate of 60 liters per minute, it is not applicable if you have not considered the entire drainage system before installation. 

Final Thoughts

The trend of artificial grass installation in homes is growing. However, some myths are also circulating. Since the modern generation is always cautious about their lifestyle, it is important to separate the facts from fiction. This article has been crafted to ease your confusion by debunking the 7 most common artificial grass myths. Educate yourself and step into creating a flawless and cost-effective outdoor place.

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