Pittsburgh, PA
March 2020
our gorgeous masterpiece

Kitchen Remodel

This kitchen was though, but we got the job done

Duis sit amet dui malesuada, egestas velit a, lacinia justo. Aenean vel enim dolor. Maecenas tempor augue lacus, ut rutrum purus fermentum non. Nam maximus est neque, nec ultricies orci laoreet at. Integer hendrerit congue volutpat. Donec ut justo at libero vehicula volutpat dapibus et dolor. Duis tincidunt eu odio vel vulputate. Fusce at augue aliquam, bibendum massa eget, congue mi. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Nunc bibendum dui consectetur accumsan hendrerit.

Don't you ever try this one at home

Integer auctor gravida mauris, quis mattis diam congue eu. Donec varius orci sodales tellus consectetur tincidunt. Mauris nisl ex, fringilla ac lectus at, rutrum pellentesque libero. Aliquam sed odio elit. Maecenas et iaculis magna. Nam justo erat, posuere non turpis at, lacinia euismod nibh. In vitae suscipit quam. Curabitur convallis tempus velit. Nulla eget erat ipsum.

Donec vel luctus elit.

Donec mollis diam non erat pellentesque, eu lacinia orci aliquet. Nam venenatis sapien ac placerat feugiat. Fusce eu ipsum neque. Quisque pretium faucibus nisi, sit amet posuere mi vulputate a. Phasellus euismod, sem in aliquet commodo, risus ligula placerat urna, id congue erat ligula sit amet libero. In suscipit justo ac nulla tincidunt placerat. Etiam gravida neque est, facilisis pulvinar augue rutrum eu. Morbi luctus orci eu justo pharetra, non auctor ipsum vulputate. Suspendisse potenti. In et imperdiet mauris, at vehicula enim. Cras aliquet aliquam elit, non finibus magna convallis sit amet.

quality work

Affordable Services


Do you dream of having an attic that isn’t full of wolf spiders, half-broken crockpots from the 90’s, and photo albums filled with pictures of your husband rocking bell-bottoms and long hair? Whether it's insulating, general cleaning and storage, or restoring rotted wood – we've got you covered.
Hide the things you wanna forget about in an awesome attic.


Want to redo your bathroom? It can add a ton of value to your home by spending a couple of bucks and redoing your tile, bath tub, vanity, toilet and tile. If you have other problems with your bathroom though, like a toilet clogged or a tub that doesn't drain ... we can handle that too.
Let us build you a throne room fit for a king.


From crown molding to building custom cabinetry, we've done it all. You name it, we can do it - installing counter tops, making a bookcase, or putting together that whack IKEA furniture your boyfriend is too lazy to get to– no job is too large or small.
We wood never let you down. Not in a million years.


Let’s get serious for one second. Electrical services should always be handled by a professional. The last thing you want is to get shocked by a faulty outlet, when we’re right here practically begging you to do the work for you. We've got 20 years of experience with electrical services so we can rewire your whole house or simply install some nice lighting that really sets the mood. You’re the boss.
Prepare to be shocked (by our skills, not your outlets).


Whether it’s laying down new laminate, hardwood or installing fresh carpet, we're the best and most affordable in the business. We’ll also help analyze what’s best for your current situation. If you have 3 dogs who pee their pants every time someone new walks through the front door, carpet might not be the best move. We specialize with current floor restoration too, meaning we’ll analyze your current floors and see how we can restore its original quality.

Framing & Drywall

Most renovations like building a new addition, a closet, or a bathroom require the work of a master framer who is capable of ensuring that all plumbing, electric, ventilation, etc are present before beginning to drywall, mud, sand and paint. We’re the best around and we love doing it!
Stop, we've been framed!

Handyman Work

We love doing stuff around the house for people who hate doing stuff around the house. Is your toilet clogged? Need a light bulb changed? Want your bed made? Want your dog walked? Need your tree decorated? Want me to cook your family dinner? Need someone to watch Game of Thrones with? We are here for you. No job is too small or too irrelevant to us.
Stop bugging your nephew for his truck. We've got you.


Want to remodel your kitchen? Want to open it up? It might be that time ... we can help you find everything you need at an affordable price. From cabinets, counter tops, appliances, tile, lighting and flooring. You’ll want the hot stuff at a great deal and then you’ll want it installed properly by someone you can trust.
Let's get cookin'.

Beautifully Designed

Legend UI kit template comes with a huge pack of beautifully designed components, that will help you create your perfect website.

100% Responsive

We've made the template fully responsive, so it looks great on all devices: desktop, tablets and mobile phones.

Smooth Animations

You can see beautiful interactions all across the template. They makes it feels live and pleasure to use. Learn more about interactions.

CMS Content

Use the power of Webflow CMS to add new works, blog posts, categories, tags and testimonials. The whole structure is ready.

Powerful UI Kit

Legend UI Kit template includes many useful sections that you can copy/paste from one page to another to create new layouts.

Friendly Support

We're always glad to help, so don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or suggestions about Legend template.
let's go

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